Artist Amanda posing with her work at the 2025 Art Walk.

Empowering artists of all abilities at the Akron Artwalk

Summit DD proudly teamed up with Summit Artspace to host our 2nd Annual Inclusive Akron Artwalk! The theme for this year’s inclusive artwalk was Creative Voices: Empowering Artists of All Abilities. Nearly nearly 400 attendees joined us to celebrate DD Awareness Month and the arts– all with accessibility and empowering artists of all abilities at the heart of the evening!

Visitors to Summit Artspace found a host of inclusion-themed activities:

  • Information and activities at Summit DD’s informational booth where visitors learned about our services and supports.
  • Summit DD featured assistive technology discovery kits, a 3D printed switch for creating accessible spin art, and open-source 3D-printed writing devices. We showcased how customizable tech can be made and adapted right here in Summit County at community hubs like The Akron MakerSpace.
  • The Inclusioneers’ Mobile Sensory Bus, supported by Summit DD staff, was available in front of the building for folks who needed a sensory break from the activities.
  • Resources from Akron Summit County Public Library’s Accessibility Library, a groundbreaking resource that enhances accessibility at festivals, performances, community gatherings, and cultural shows. Visitors to the artwalk could explore sensory items, mobility supports, and other items available from the library for loan at no cost to users. Sensory Bags were also available for check out during the event. (Ps. Did you know that Summit DD is a community partner in the Accessibility Library? Check it out!)
  • A Quiet Room on Summit Artspace’s 2nd floor offered a calming atmosphere and featured various Accessibility Library items.
Photo of the Summit DD Sensory Bus parked outside of Summit Artspace.Photo of community members shopping booths at the Summit Art Walk.Group photo of Summit DD team members smiling at the Summit Art Walk.Portrait of artist Elizabeth in front of her sculptures at the Summit Art Walk.Photo of community member using adaptive writing tool at Summit DD booth.Photo of Summit DD team member Jessica showing small children assistive technology options.Photo of Summit DD team member Beth with artists Amanda and Elizabeth at the Summit Art Walk.Photo of community members looking at artwork.Photo of Summit DD team members Erin and Jessica showing a community member assistive technology options.

Empowered Artists
For the second year, Summit DD and Summit Artspace continued our work on a mentorship program aimed at supporting the careers of artists with disabilities. The mentorship program connected Summit DD-served artists with professional artists from Summit ArtSpace to develop professional skills, such as setting up a vendor table, what to bring to an art show, interacting with customers, and more. The artists who participated in the mentorship program were featured “Empowered Artists” during the ArtWalk.

By partnering with organizations like Summit Artspace, together we are creating even more opportunities for people of all abilities to be included in all facets of community life. Each day, Summit DD proudly works towards our vision of Summit County being a community where all people feel included.

Interested in discussing partnerships, planning inclusive events, or other collaboration ideas? Please reach out to Amy Kelly-Lancki at

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