Summit DD initiated our long-range plan strategic planning process that will shape the future of our organization. This endeavor is designed to reaffirm our mission, vision and values, strengthen our operations, and ensure that we continue to deliver exceptional services to those we serve and our community. As we embark on this process our goal is to capitalize on our strengths and address our future challenges with a clear plan that outlines our future priorities of the next levy cycle (2025–2030) and action plans to meet those priorities. Here is what you can expect:
Getting Input
Our first step in the strategic planning process is to get input. Your input will be vital to ensure our plans meets the needs of those we serve. We will be obtaining input from stakeholders. This includes individuals we serve, families, guardians, taxpayers, providers, employees, and community collaborators through surveys and focus groups.
Beginning the week of July 15, 2024, the Center for Marketing and Opinion Research (CMOR) will be surveying around 400 individuals and around 450 family members or guardians on behalf of Summit DD. Surveys for individuals will mostly be in-person at the individual’s day program or residence based on their preference. Surveys for families and guardians will be over the phone. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
CMOR will be asking about the level of satisfaction people have with the Agency, your SSA/RSS or DS, your provider, your direct care staff and about the services you receive. We will combine this information with other feedback and organizational data to identify our strengths, opportunities, desired results, and aspirations.
The end product of our strategic planning process will be the identification on long-range goals for the levy cycle, and strategies on how to meet those goals. We will also have an implementation plan and a plan for monitoring outcomes. We expect a draft plan to be available to our stakeholders in October.
Concerns or Questions
Do you have questions or concerns about the CMOR survey? Please contact Summit DD at or by calling 330-634-8000.