Author Archives: Amy Kelly

Super Joe goes to school….

When you walk into It’s All About Kids Preschool it appears to be just like any other preschool.  You can hear the sweet sound of children’s giggles, preschoolers sitting in brightly colored classrooms listening to their favorite stories, teachers patiently working with their students preparing them for the years of school that lie ahead of them.  What makes It’s All About Kids Preschool different is that it IS all about kids, whether they have special needs or not.  In the two-year old classroom you will find Joey, laughing and playing with his friends, and though he can’t talk or walk yet he gains new skills every day and his classmates know him as their friend. Read More ›

“Miracle Men” have made the world a better place…

Parents Meghan and Matthew Wilkinson approached first-time parenthood like most parents, with mix of excitement, worry, fear, and love.  Casey and Connor, identical twins, were born at 36 weeks into Meghan’s pregnancy and soon after they were born, were taken to the special care nursery.  They had not yet held or kissed their new babies when their doctor told them in a sweet, soft voice she had suspected that Casey and Connor both had Down syndrome, a one in a million chance that both twins would both carry an extra 21st chromosome.  Read More ›

Summit DD Superintendent Announces Plans to Retire


The County of Summit Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD) begins its search for a new Superintendent as its current Superintendent Thomas Armstrong announces his plans to retire later this year.  Armstrong has served as the Agency’s Superintendent for almost 13 years. Read More ›

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