Author Archives: Kathy Lacy

informDD August 2013

informDD August 2013

School is almost back in session. We hope you and your family had a fun-filled summer full of memorable activities. We certainly did at Summit DD!

In this newsletter, you’ll read about a new study conducted on the importance of inclusion in the work place, learn about a partnership with a new employer, and get the first glimpse of a beautiful new wall mural created by Dream Out Loud Studio artists.

Be sure to share these stories and videos with friends and

informDD July 2013

informDD July 2013

It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through the summer! Although summer is usually know as a time to relax, Summit DD remains busy and focused on our mission. In this letter, we discuss more on inclusive communities, employment opportunities with a new partner, a new position designed especially to help 3-5 year old children, and an athlete with a heart of gold.

Read on to learn more, and of course, please share this newsletter with family and friends!

informDD June 2013

informDD June 2013

As national momentum picks up towards integrated employment as the preferred option for working-age adults, Summit DD begins a dialogue about transformational change. Find out more about how this may impact center-based services provided by Summit DD and what will happen next.

informDD May 2013

informDD May 2013

Welcome to edition two of informDD!

As spring is in full bloom and the weather warms, we are excited for new programs, new faces, and new growth at Summit DD. Read on to learn more about how we are working to better serve you. And of course, please share this newsletter with your friends, family and coworkers.

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