Author Archives: Tricia Perduk

Middle school girls writing at a table

On-Demand Childcare Solutions

Finding a reliable, quality babysitter can be tough, as any parent knows. Whether it’s a one-time need or regular afterschool care, it can be a challenge to find childcare for older kids.  When your child has a disability, finding flexible childcare can be even more challenging. Fortunately, Northeast Ohio has a new Hero on the scene who is ready and willing to meet the needs of parents and caretakers. Read More ›

Cub Scouts playing outside

2020 Family Engagement Program

The Summit DD Family Engagement Program (FEP) is back for the 2020 calendar year. This program was created to give families the access to funding that promotes community inclusion for their kids and teens. Here’s what you need to know for 2020. Read More ›

Medical Transition 101 parent session

Transition Support: Preparing for your Teen’s Health Care Transition

In a continued effort to support teens with disabilities and their families during transitional years, Summit DD participated in the fall Transition Boot Camp. This session, Medical Transition 101, focused on sharing information to navigate the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems. Read More ›

5 Things to know about NDEAM

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is is celebrated each October. While NDEAM is celebrated in October, Summit DD makes it one of our priorities all year long. Read More ›

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