Category Archives: Successes

Marvin at his graduation ceremony.

Marvin’s Homecoming

Meet Marvin. In 1964, he was set to graduate from Woodridge High School. However, after some confusion on a few class credits, he had to stay another year. Throughout his schooling, Marvin experienced unbearable bullying from fellow classmates. And in his final school year, it became too much to bear. So sadly, Marvin never received his diploma. Read More ›

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October Awareness: Disability Employment Awareness

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (known as NDEAM). A time to highlight the important role that people of every ability play within the workforce. We believe that employment opportunities for people with disabilities ensures a diverse workforce and helps strengthen communities – now and into the future.
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Jason sitting on a park bench with his service provider, Clairanne.

My Story: Jason

Meet Jason. Through an essential Summit DD program, Jason has access to crucial assistive technology devices that help him access the world. Using digital braille devices, Jason can email and text on his computer and cell phone with family, friends and support staff. He has become so skilled in the technology, that he trains other individuals who are deaf and blind by working for a federally funded program called, I Can Connect. Watch his story below! Read More ›

Two teens, Noah and Zaria, painting fire hydrants in Stow for the 2022 Summer Youth Work Program.

Over 50 Young Adults Benefit From Locally Funded Jobs Program

Did you know that Summit DD’s Summer Youth Work Experience Program is just one of the many initiatives funded by local tax dollars provided by our generous Summit County residents? Thanks to you, more than 50 young adults with developmental disabilities gained valuable work experience this summer! Read More ›

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