Young boy at Zoo touching animal with long tail being held by zoo employee

Community Resources for Fall 2024

Our Summit County community has a number a resources available to support and help families of all abilities explore. Here are a few to try.

  • UDS Toy & Resource Lending Library A great resource for trying out sensory toys to see what your child might be drawn to before purchasing.
  • Akron Zoo The Akron Zoo has partnered with KultureCity to assist and accommodate guests with sensory processing needs by providing supports such as Sensory Bags, Weighted Lap pads, Social Stories and more.
  • We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym A sensory friendly gym for children of all abilities. Sibling discounts as well as memberships are available.
  • Inclusive Fall Activity Guide: Check out the family-friendly activity guide of activities in and around Summit County for you to explore this fall.
  • Play Group: Summit DD Early Intervention Speech Language Pathologists have organized monthly playgroups. You are invited to join our SLPs for a morning of play, language learning, and Q&A. For more information on dates and locations of the playgroup ask your EI team.
  • Community resources for diapers Some of our community partners offer diapers for families in need. Below is a list of of participating partners:
    • Embrace Clinic 330-825-1900
    • Summit County Health Department 330-926-5700
    • Links Community and Family Services 330-794-5230
    • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 234-334-4700
    • Greenleaf Family Center 330-805-2862

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