Tired of binging shows on TV? Looking for something new to try? Then we have the perfect solution for you. Summit DD and ArtsNow have teamed up to create a series of online classes that are sure to engage your creative side. We have something for everyone. Best of all, these classes are for people of all abilities!
Throughout the month of August local artists and creatives will be offering four different classes, ranging from hands-on banner making to storytelling, and journaling to non-traditional dance classes that can be done while seated. Each session is made up of a series four classes (one class per week for four consecutive weeks). And don’t worry, no background or previous experience is required. These classes were developed to be fun and help you explore your creative side at your own pace.
“This series of creative classes comes at a perfect time and it offers something for everyone and of every ability,” expressed Summit DD’s Director Community Supports and Development, Drew Williams. “Opportunities like these are the foundation of community inclusion.”
Class sizes are limited for most sessions and registration is required. However, Summit DD worked with ArtsNow to reserve a few additional spots for people and families we serve. Simply enter the code: summitdd when registering.
Just because we are all staying home, doesn’t mean we can’t continue to grow, learn and connect with others. So hurry, check out class descriptions and get registered today.