Adults 18-Senior Citizen

Services for Adults

Adults face many decisions in life, such as where to work, where to live, what interests to pursue, which friends to spend time with, or how to make ends meet on a limited budget. Adults with developmental disabilities are no different. Summit DD uses a person-centered planning approach to create your Individual Service Plan, or ISP. We listen to people’s goals and strive to make the meaningful connections to resources that will offer you the best chance at success.

Your SSA or RSS can connect you to providers or natural supports in your life that will help support your needs and goals. Services are provided through a wide selection of quality providers throughout Summit County. Your SSA will stay by your side to provide coordination and ongoing monitoring of your services.

Based on your assessed need, there are a number of services available for adults with developmental disabilities, such as:

Get Started

There are a variety of other services and opportunities available – in fact, too many to list. We encourage you to talk with your SSA or RSS about what’s important to you, so he or she can help build a plan with services that meet your unique needs and goals.

Download Summit DD’s Agency Overview flier

Get Inspired

Want to see success in action? Check out these stories of people who have made strides toward their own goals.

Volunteer Guardian Program: Assisting Adults with Disabilities in Summit County

Many of us are fortunate to have a support system of close friends or family who can step in and make important decisions about our lives if we could not make those decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately, not everyone is that lucky. In some cases, an individual’s main caretaker passes away before them. Others may not have loved ones nearby to be their voice. For individuals in those situations, the Volunteer Guardian Program is here to help. Read More ›

Summit DD blog item

Quality Is Our Highest Priority

Everyone deserves high-quality services and supports paired with the best care so they can work to achieve their life goals and dreams. As we continue toward our long-range goals of increasing provider support and ensuring quality supports in the community, Summit DD has developed tools, trainings and resources to support disability service providers and empower people of ALL abilities. Read More ›

0% Tax Increase

County Council Passes Resolution Placing Summit DD on Ballot in November

This week the members of Summit County Council passed a resolution to proceed with submitting a six-year, 4.50 mills renewal of a tax for the benefit of Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board, or Summit DD, for the purpose of providing community programs and services to adults and children with developmental disabilities.  The renewal of Summit DD’s operating levy will be on the ballot on November 7. Read More ›

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