Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Summit DD 2023 Action Plan and 2022 Annual Report

For over 50 years, the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board has proudly served as the primary entity responsible for supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities to live full and equitable lives in our community.  Our 2022-2024 Long Range Plan continues this legacy, as we strengthen our vision of Summit County being a community where all people are included.

We invite you on our journey throughout this publication that explains how local levy dollars are used, the outcomes we have achieved in the first year of our plan, and our goals and initiatives for 2023 as we continue to serve more people.

Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Katie’s Story: Early Intervention at Work

“What I find most valuable about Summit DD Early Intervention services, is having another person in Katie’s corner. Having someone that celebrates Katie and recognizes her smallest accomplishments, is invaluable. Teaching Katie that she is accepted and loved and that her life is important and valuable, despite her challenges, is my most important job as a mom. Summit DD services help me to accomplish that!” proudly shared Katie’s mother, Ali. Read More ›

Cub Scouts playing outside

2020 Family Engagement Program

The Summit DD Family Engagement Program (FEP) is back for the 2020 calendar year. This program was created to give families the access to funding that promotes community inclusion for their kids and teens. Here’s what you need to know for 2020. Read More ›

What is an Early Intervention Team?

Summit DD’s Early Intervention (EI) services are provided by a team of professionals committed to meeting the individual needs of your child and family.

Your EI Team at Summit DD consists of

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