Event Description
Calling all families of young adults. This new training series call Transition Bootcamp, is tailored just for you. The Northeast Ohio Regional Transition Collaborative is hosting a FREE training for parents to you help navigate the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems. Erica Krapf, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist at Akron Children’s Hospital, will lead a panel discussion allowing parents to:
- Talk with panelists from local health systems
- Learn about the process of medical transition
- Develop skills that can prepare you and your child
- Discover strategies to begin the process and make a plan
Sign In is from 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Panel discussion begins at 6:30 p.m.
Download the Medical Transition 101 flyer
The Northeast Ohio Transition Collaborative is made up of various organizations in Northeast Ohio, like Summit DD, with the goal of providing families knowledge and resources for transition-age youth with developmental disabilities.
The session is free, but registration is required due to limited space.
Contact Amy Clawson at amy.clawson@cchmc.org or 513-814-0674
Event Location
Educational Service Center
6393 Oak Tree Blvd. South
Independence, Ohio 44131