Tag Archives: Early intervention

Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Katie’s Story: Early Intervention at Work

“What I find most valuable about Summit DD Early Intervention services, is having another person in Katie’s corner. Having someone that celebrates Katie and recognizes her smallest accomplishments, is invaluable. Teaching Katie that she is accepted and loved and that her life is important and valuable, despite her challenges, is my most important job as a mom. Summit DD services help me to accomplish that!” proudly shared Katie’s mother, Ali. Read More ›

Thanking Staff: The Heart of Summit DD Week #1

We all know that 2020 has been a difficult year, but Summit DD staff have stepped up to continue providing essential services for those with disabilities in this ever-changing world. Throughout the month of November, every Friday we will celebrate the perseverance and dedication of Summit DD team members with more than 20 years of service! Check out this week’s featured video below and photos. Also, in case you missed it, check out the video and photos from week two here, week three here, and the final week four here. Read More ›

Cute toddler stacking blocks at an Early Intervention home visit

3 Easy Tips to Learn Through Play

Babies grow and develop so much in the first few years of life. This development continues as babies become toddlers. Fortunately, it doesn’t take expensive toys to help your child progress. Better yet, you can help them learn though play using these easy tips from our Early Intervention experts. Read More ›

Tummy Time Tips for Success

Tummy Time is an important part of your baby’s growth and development. Tummy Time helps strengthen muscles in your baby’s neck, shoulders and trunk. It encourages your little one to look up, left and right. Best of all, it is a great opportunity for you to spend time together. Read More ›

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