Tag Archives: Service and Support Administrator

Yam teaching sign language at Intra-National Homecare.

Yam’s Empowering Journey to America

Meet Yam! Courage, perseverance and kindness best describe his infectious personality. Born in Bhutan, Yam grew up with hearing difficulties and spent over two decades in a refugee camp. It is difficult to imagine what life must’ve been like for him at that time. Damodar Timsina, also once a refugee and Yam’s Summit DD Service and Support Administrator (SSA), shared his own experience. “It is really a great privilege to come to the USA for a better life. Refugee life is really, really worse. We sometimes didn’t have anything to eat. We didn’t have shelter,” somberly shared Damodar. Read More ›

Dee and her SSA Sheri.

The Story of Dee and Sheri: Service Coordination at Work

Summit DD Service and Support Administrators (SSA) are at the heart of what we do. They make meaningful connections for those we serve through every stage of their lives. Recently, an individual who receives these essential services wanted to recognize the amazing efforts of their SSA. This is the story of Dee and Sheri. Read More ›

Summit DD Developmental Specialist conducting an early intervention home visit through video conferencing

At Your Service: New Summit DD partnership offers tech support to those served by Summit DD

During the pandemic, technology went beyond doing business and socializing. Technology became a tool that many people and families served by Summit DD used for daily support. Our staff used video conferencing to conduct ISP meetings, check in on people or providers, and even do early intervention home visits with little ones. When technology is at its best, it is an amazing tool to help connect and engage us. But when there are problems or you need tech support, it can be a barrier. Drew Williams, Summit DD’s Director Community Supports and Development, knew there had to be a better way. Read More ›

Thanking Staff: The Heart of Summit DD Week #1

We all know that 2020 has been a difficult year, but Summit DD staff have stepped up to continue providing essential services for those with disabilities in this ever-changing world. Throughout the month of November, every Friday we will celebrate the perseverance and dedication of Summit DD team members with more than 20 years of service! Check out this week’s featured video below and photos. Also, in case you missed it, check out the video and photos from week two here, week three here, and the final week four here. Read More ›

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