Tag Archives: services for kids with disabilities

Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Katie’s Story: Early Intervention at Work

“What I find most valuable about Summit DD Early Intervention services, is having another person in Katie’s corner. Having someone that celebrates Katie and recognizes her smallest accomplishments, is invaluable. Teaching Katie that she is accepted and loved and that her life is important and valuable, despite her challenges, is my most important job as a mom. Summit DD services help me to accomplish that!” proudly shared Katie’s mother, Ali. Read More ›

Your Guide to the MUI Process for Children

Summit DD, like each County Board in Ohio, is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of those we serve. Occasionally, there are circumstances that can pose a threat to the health, safety or well being of child with a developmental disability; we refer to these incidents as Major Unusual Incidents (MUI).

In MUI circumstances involving children, Read More ›

Little Amelia: An EI Success Story

When a child is diagnosed with a developmental disability, it can be very challenging for a family. Recent estimates in the United States show that about one in six children from ages 3 to 17 have a developmental disability. Read More ›

Summit DD Partners with Local Schools to Support Students

The Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board, or Summit DD, has partnered with Woodridge and Copley-Fairlawn schools to launch a Transition Services for Youth pilot program. The initiative is being funded by local tax dollars that were set aside by Summit DD in 2017 to specifically create and foster innovative programs.  Read More ›

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